经过多年的努力耕耘,公司业务得到了长足发展,目前已与全球数十家集装箱航运公司建立了牢固的业务联系,特别是UASC/OOCL/CMA/RCL/MSK/EMC/PIL/ZIM/MOL/HANJIN/cosco/WANHAI等船公司。公司的优势航线是:东南亚,中东,印巴,红海,北非,黑海。我司与MSC,OOCL,CSCL,COSCO,MISC,MAERSK,HANJIN,WANHAI,SITC,CMA,APL,CSAV,NYK,ZIM等多家船公司长期保持良好的合作关系,在多条航线上的运价都极具竞争力。每年,数以万计的集装箱通过我司出运至世界各国各地,数以千计的集装箱通过我司进出香港,最终到达中国大陆,其中中东航线,印巴航线,东南亚航线,中南美航线,加勒比海航线最具优势 公司具有完善的全球性运输网络,以广州、深圳地区为依托,覆盖珠三角华南地区,经过长时间的经验累计,公司拥有了一批具专业水准、诚恳敬业、经验丰富的业务、操作人才,以客户为中心,全年365天,全天24小时不间断及时有效地为客户提供与物流相关的咨询及全面细致的服务,拥以“全方位、全过程、全天候”的工作理念,竭诚为每位客户设计合理、有效、节约、适合自身特点的最佳物流方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位服务。威林国际所服务的客户包涵了陶瓷、洁具、石材、钢板、钢卷、家电、纺织品、日用消费品、农产品等各大行业,为多家世界知名企业提供物流管理服务。公司拥有一支专业经验丰富的人才队伍,坚持以客户为中心竭诚为客户提供高效、经济、诚信、持久的服务,使公司成为广大国内外客户值得信赖的合作伙伴。 In addition we have the freight forwarding license, NVOCC certificate, WCA certificate, WIFFA certificate of Honor, the company also with dozens of well-known shipping companies signed a booking agency agreement, and established a good partnership with the major shipping companies. As the strength of the ocean Makers in South America, we do not only strive to provide our customers the advantages of freight and adequate accommodation, we can also help the owner on behalf of AMS / ENS, issuance of bills of lading, to assist the carrier in the port of destination of the goods for import clearance and inland services. At present, the company's business covers the major ports, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hong Kong and the Yangtze river port of Wuhan, Chongqing, Nanjing, Wuhu, etc.We believe that we have the ability to provide our clients with comprehensive, high quality personalized shipping services.
发表时间:2017-1-31 2:53:12