同时,我司在深圳盐田港、蛇口港、 文锦渡、皇岗 、广州黄埔港、集司、南沙港拥有自己经营的拖车、吨车公司以及合作伙伴, 在盐田、蛇口、笋岗口岸、广州黄埔提供仓储(普通仓和海关监管仓)、中转服务, 而在笋岗仓库区、广州黄埔禾田监管区, 更提供散货拼箱及集运服务, 通达世界各地,而且, 本公司还在盐田、 蛇口、 文锦渡、 皇岗、广州黄埔、集司、南沙等海陆口岸提供进出口报关代理服务, 一般产地证(C.O.), 普惠制产地证(FORM A), 商检, 代办大使馆认证以及各项货运保险等相关业务。
公司自成立以来,一直秉承以“为客户创新服务, 与员工共创辉煌”的发展理念,以“认真, 严格, 主动, 高效”的工作方针,统一规划货运操作流程,合理安排,平衡组合业内各种操作方式,竭诚为客户提供服务,实现互利互惠的宗旨,尽力为客户创造价值。以优质服务求发展,通过努力获得众企业的好评与认可。我们也将用更加积极的态度携手与每一位客户共创更加美好的明天!
国际海运 Worldwide Sea Freight
■ 至全球各地整柜及散柜运输;
■ 散货拼箱相关服务,包括保税及监管仓拼箱,退税服务;
■ 覆盖珠三角及香港的海运拖车服务。
■ FCL&LCL services to worldwide destinations.
■ CFS services, including cargo consolidation in bonded area, tax refund, etc.
■ Trucking services covering all the ports in Pearl River delta and Hong Kong.
Wahtrans International Freight Forwarding Limited is a licensed international freight forwarding business operator approved by Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Communications, Customs General Administration of P.R.C. (License No.: MOFCOM 19877). As a member of China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA), Wahtrans enjoys a high reputation in the cost effective services, stable financial status and professional services among the Southern China logistics industry.
Taking the advantage of a highly developed transportation web, on which its headquarter is located, with highways connecting cities and towns in South China, three international container ports in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and five international airports in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai in China, Wahtrans offers a full range of innovative services with efficient cost. These services include air and sea import and export, consolidation, customs clearance, warehousing, trucking, container transloading and distribution, insurance brokerage.
发表时间:2017-1-31 7:23:43