♦ 一级国际货运代理企业
♦ 国家交通部批准的无船承运人
♦ 美国联邦海事委员会批准的无船承运人
♦ 中国各口岸至全球的国际货运代理及无船承运服务
♦ 二十二家船公司的一级订舱代理
♦ 中国各口岸至全球各门点服务
♦ 高效的流程和灵活的应变能力
♦ 完善的系统便于追踪货物状态
♦ 可靠的海外代理网络确保优质服务
♦ 使用特种箱装载货物, 例如,框架箱/开顶箱/超宽超高箱
♦ 使用班轮运输重大件货物具有船期短、快、费用较低的优点
Our efficient team are offering competitive price in diversified and professional services as follows:
* International Shipping & Air;
* Intermodal Transportation;
* Special Container for Large Device;
* Cargo Transshipment;
* CY-CY, Door-Door, DDU. & DDP. Term;
* Original Documentation, Customs Clearance & Quality Control Service;
* Inland Haulage Service;
* Warehousing Service;
* Cargo Insurance Service;
* Forwarder Information and Consultation Service;
At our company, with our philosophy of “Mutual Growth”, we will continuously strive to improve while focusing on the future with a commitment to stay on the cutting edge of the industry. Together, with our global companies and partners, we will continue to provide and unparalleled combination of personalized customer service and expertise, on a global scale.
发表时间:2017-2-1 8:29:42